What is Crypto? A Beginner’s Guide to Cryptocurrency

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Cryptocurrency Guide – Investing.com {let c=document.cookie.split(“;”);for(let b=0;b { cid = getCookie(‘_ga'); if(!cid) return null; cid = cid.split(‘.'); return cid.splice(cid.length – 2, 2).join(‘.'); } let firstLevel = secondLevel = “/”; if(location.pathname.split(‘/').filter(a => a).length){ firstLevel = location.pathname.split(‘/').filter(a => a).shift(); secondLevel = location.pathname.replace(firstLevel, ”).replaceAll(‘/', ”); } let params = { ‘event' : ‘GTM page to GA', ‘client_name' : ‘inv-wordpress', ‘environment' : ”, ‘first_level' : firstLevel, ‘second_level' : secondLevel, ‘page_type' : ‘wordpress', ‘edition' : ‘1', ‘smd' : getCookie(‘smd'), ‘page_name' : location.pathname, ‘udid' : getCookie(‘udid'), ‘udid_created' : getCookie(‘firstUdid') ? getCookie(‘firstUdid') : 0, } if(cid = getCid()){ params = Object.assign(params, { ‘cid' : cid, }) } window.dataLayer= window.dataLayer|| []; dataLayer.push(params); } investingIdentityGTM(); ]]> { const lowercaseObjectValues = obj => { for (let key in obj) { if (typeof obj[key] === ‘string' && key!== ‘event' && key!== ‘event_name') { obj[key] = obj[key].toLowerCase(); } } return obj; }; const getDataLayerEvent = el => { return { event: ‘genericEvent', event_name: ‘directory_academyComponent_clicked', action_cd: ‘click', product_feature: null, page_name: ‘What is Crypto? 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